Being a landlord has always been a challenge, but it’s never been as frustrating as it is today.
Thanks to the ongoing havoc caused by the global financial meltdown, the lettings market in the UK has gone from booming to bleak in just a few years. With mortgage prices rising, landlords have been looking for any way to stay ahead of the curve and maximise the efficiency of their portfolios.
Thankfully, the latest generation of lettings software from CFP Software provides a selection of innovative new tools which can help agents, landlords and tenants get the most out of the rental process. From single properties to huge portfolios, CFP’s software has the tools you need.
The software combines high-powered property maintenance utilities which are perfect for landlords with a suite of web-based tools and smartphone apps which help agents and tenants communicate as never before. So if you’re looking for a way to smooth the rental process, make sure you investigate CFP’s software today!